Beautiful pics of Nicole Kidman feet & legs

Nicole Kidman has been hailed as one of Hollywood's top exports of Australian. She was actually born there in Honolulu Hawaii in the years that her Australian parents were in school. Kidman has a daughter named Janelle Ann (Glenny) an instructor in nursing as well as Antony David Kidman a biochemist and psychotherapist. She is English Irish with Scottish roots. Nicole's family relocated in Washington, D.C., to help her father with his breast cancer research. Following three years, they returned in Sydney, Australia, Nicole's home town, in order to live close to her parents. Nicole initially was attracted by ballet. She later picked up mime, drama and even plays (her very first role on stage was as an animal in the Christmas Pageant at elementary school). According to Celebrity Net Worth, Oscar award-winning Nicole is also has two children of her own, Bella and Connor Cruise along with her former husband Tom Cruise, is worth more than $250 million due to her impressive Hollywood career and endorsement deals for brands that range from Omega and Chanel. English is one of the Indo-European varieties. It was originally spoken by English-speaking people in England's early medieval period. It is named after the Angles as one of the old Germanic communities that migrated to Great Britain.

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